Types Of Safaris

Come Explore Uganda With Our Customized Packages

A Uganda safari trip guarantees a bucketload of activities, safari exercises and encounters. From the ceaseless untamed life show on the tremendous brilliant savannah fields to the emerald hazy mountain rainforest where jeopardized primates meander openly, and in the middle, Uganda safari encounters come in different kinds.

Our Uganda safari exercises incorporate traveling mountain gorillas high in the hazy mountains, staying aware of the social complexities of chimpanzee troops, strolling the old woodland trails, hitting the dance floor with local clan, and passing through the wild savannah fields in safari solace.

Browse a determination of safari types or encounters to remember for your agenda, cautiously paying special attention to what elevates your spirits and is delicate to your actual wellness.

With assistance from our nearby safari specialists, Sail Adventures Uganda permits you to create a custom Uganda safari occasion including a gathering of activities that suit your style of movement.


Uganda hosts more than half of the last endangered mountain gorillas in the two national parks on the southwestern frontier and is the best destination for gorilla trekking tours. Daily trekking adventures to see mountain gorillas in Uganda occur in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, an isolated swath on the rugged Rift Valley slopes and Mgahinga National Park, on the slopes of the Virunga Mountains.

Impenetrable National Park, an isolated swath on the rugged Rift Valley slopes and Mgahinga National Park, on the slopes of the Virunga Mountains.

Most tourists that visit Uganda journey to the remote southwestern region to spend a night in one of the forests situated lodges on the edge of the park and make it early to one of the five trailheads to join the small groups of trekkers on a half-day adventure excursion. It’s been said

by countless travellers that the experience of locking eyes with a wild gorilla and recognising our very own similarities is unmatched by any jungle experience in Africa. Gorilla trekking is an adventure that should make your summer adventure bucket list for this year.

Uganda offers two distinct gorilla experiences. The regular guided gorilla trekking excursion allows visitors to spend one hour with a human-habituated gorilla family and the Gorilla Habituation Experience which offers visitors an opportunity to spend at least four hours with a semi-habituated troop in the company of primatologists and researchers. The former is a popular choice with most adventurers and costs $700 for a trekking permit, and the Habituation experience permit costs $1500 per person.

Gorilla trekking permits are quite expensive because of the ecotourism effort involved in human- habituating gorillas, protecting them from poachers and diseases and maintaining their natural habitat. Gorilla tourism has given Africa’s great apes the hope to survive alongside growing human populations and intrusion on their habitats. Gorilla tourism is the single primary revenue source for conserving these endangered primates that are about 1000 individuals left in the world. This therefore means that your gorilla trekking tour in Uganda is ethical and is a sustainable travel activity.

Sail Adventures Uganda has been a significant contributor to gorilla conservation since 2017 through our private and tailor-made gorilla trekking tours. Our gorilla safaris are well selected with the best routes to maximise Uganda’s incredible tourist attractions, chimpanzee trekking in Kibale, big-game viewing game drives, boat safaris, bird watching, nature walks, and hiking adventures.

All-Inclusive Uganda Safaris

An all-inclusive Uganda safari means that your holiday trip itinerary is taken care of by the local tour operator, ensuring they include everything you’ll need to pull it off, including your accommodation, meals, snacks, and standard drinks, and your tour activities for a set price. It’s one of the main reasons why an all-inclusive safari holiday might seem expensive at first glance. In Reality, they offer excellent value for money.


  • Accommodation; Hotel Room, Camp Tent, Suite or Lodge

  • Meals; breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks

  • Drinks; all standard drinks

  • Activities; game drives, guided nature walks, primate trekking, and non-mechanized water sports

  • 4×4 Transport; selected road transfers between the airport, local airstrips, activities, and your accommodation


  •  International flights

  • Visa and Visa Processing

  • Tips, gratuities, and service charges

  • Additional meals and snacks, like stopping at a café or restaurant during road transfers

  • Rare or imported drinks

  • Special activities, like hot-air ballooning, cultural tours, or unplanned activities

Planning an all-inclusive Uganda safari holiday means saving on time, money and reducing trip fatigue. You get the exceptional skills of your experienced safari guide, that super chilled drink perfectly prepared when you stop to watch the sunset in the middle of nowhere, freshly baked treats with your morning coffee, or a surprise dinner under a lantern-lit tree. Additionally, with our local experts’ help, you get first-hand expert advice during the planning phase, which means you don’t sacrifice luxury and comfort. In fact, the change brought by the COVID-19 pandemic offers a difference in the safari atmosphere where every luxury camp or lodge provides all-inclusive daily rates that include access to restricted areas, cultural experiences, community hiking experiences, exquisite gourmet cuisine, and a rich range of game-viewing activities in the care of some of Uganda’s top professional guides.
This standard of safari accommodation today is all about delighting and surprising you – whether it’s a steaming scented bath awaiting you after the evening game drive or an exquisite breakfast served at a scenic spot looking out over a dreamy landscape filled with antelope, elephant, and lion. As for Uganda’s leading lodges and tented camps, suites open onto private decks and plunge pools, and three-course dinners rival top city restaurants. And between drives, you can have a massage at the spa or gaze at the ever-changing tropical skies lounger with the best views.


An Africa safari trip is incomplete until you marvel or pull out your camera and take a picture of at least one of the famous members of the Africa BIG 5 game animals.
The big five include the lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and buffalo. They were popularized by imperial trophy hunting adventures mostly because of their difficulty to hunt on the open savannah plains. Thankfully, today we hunt the big 5, not to kill, but marvel at their outstanding and majestic beauty with a camera and not a gun.
A traveler can easily see Africa’s big 5 in all East Africa’s destinations today. East Africa, the pioneer of African Safaris, is home to a massive range of wildlife species spread out on thousands of protected animal parkland. Most notable is the Serengeti and Masai Mara, where the great annual migration occurs every year. However, Uganda and Rwanda provide great alternative safari attractions to complement a big five safari without leaving the destination’s borders, like Gorilla trekking in the lush green misty covered ranges.  
This does not mean however that Uganda is not home to the Big Five! Many travelers from all over the world don’t actually know that the Big5 is present in Uganda and it’s our role to let the world know and come discover it with us. Uganda thus provides varied safari options of all Safari destinations in Africa. 


Chimpanzee tracking is one of Uganda’s top safari objective exercises, compensating emotional primate experiences on chimps following safaris. A couple of troops among the assessed 5000 chimps in Uganda are acclimated for travelers to visit inside their normal environment. The climb through the rainforest wilderness with a troop is what we call chimp traveling.

Traveling chimpanzees through the tall, tangled cleans and antiquated trees that cover western Uganda’s rainforest requests you have an aide with a blade, wear light climbing boots, climbing pants, a ludicrous cap to keep the thistles off of your mind. The experience expects that you convey a bucketload of tolerance and a wild awareness of what’s actually funny. Such emotional experiences are remarkable, however even on a sluggish day, the chimpanzee following is especially exciting.

Traveling companies set off day to day across the woods floor at 08:00am and, about 30 minutes after the fact, arrive at the treetop nests/beds that the chimpanzees had constructed the earlier evening. They go through the following hour watching the chimps feed, play, snicker, embrace, kiss, and have sex. The male chimps hold battle sessions, slap empty brace roots, and pursue one another, shaking for a seat at the highest point of the pecking order. Your trackers will find them by following a trail of knuckle prints, dung, and half-digested fruit and allow tourists to observe them from a distance, avoiding loud noise, sudden movement, standing, shaking branches, and worst of all, staring at them. Still and all, tempting to gaze into the eyes of a wild creature that shares 98.4 percent of our DNA will change everything you thought and felt about primates.


Leave the limits of a safari vehicle and adventure into the major event country and boondocks trails by walking for hours or days on end, going through evenings under the twilight skies at remote hotels and camps. A directed strolling safari occasion provides you with the experience of going under your own power, in an exemplary wayfarer’s way, at your own speed, opening up a potential chance to interface all the more seriously with East Africa’s regular miracles.

The customary African safari is fun; however, a directed strolling safari is really fulfilling and serious. Envision birdsong-filled days spent following creature tracks, shadowing a scrounging monkey troop, or settling under a tree shade to watch elephants assemble at a waterhole.

Furnished officers and expert strolling guides guarantee your wellbeing and solace, and toward the day’s end, plunk down to a fire-prepared supper, then, at that point, rest between fresh worm sheets consistently.

Set in the uncommon backwoods’ trails, towns, and top game stores in East Africa directed strolling safari trips offer a lot of creatures to see. All things considered, the excursion’s accentuation is on nature’s more modest subtleties – a murmuring water stream, beautiful blossoms, brilliant nightfall, and strange species locating. Social components become possibly the most important factor also, whether welcoming a nearby migrant, learning another word in another dialect, or imparting stories to your aide. Formal boundaries soften away following a little while, fireside discussions continue profound into the evening, and you are compensated with a superior knowledge into this charming mainland.

Directed strolling safaris expand our other by walking traveling encounters like hiking, journeying the mountain gorillas in Uganda and Rwanda’s cloudy woods wildernesses, an unquestionable requirement in all actuality do encounter following the lively chimpanzee troops in Uganda’s Kibale Forest. All our strolling safari trips are secretly custom to each traveler’s inclinations.


Uganda’s safari parks are situated in remote spots a long way from metropolitan and worldwide air terminals, making moves between attractions by street truly requesting for an explorer with less time. With a light airplane, a fly-in safari will move you between a location’s attractions, saving you time on moves so you can accomplish more with your Uganda safari excursion.

At the point when you fly-into your safari objective’s worldwide air terminal, a fly-in safari will pick you from the air terminal with a light airplane, fly over those tremendous fields or mountains to your safari park’s soil runway, and in the middle of different areas for your safari span. It is the ideal method for investigating various pieces of the country without battling through dusty or potholed streets.

Aside from an agreeable and speedy exchange between An and B, flying between distant, fly-in safari trips uncover stupendous perspectives on Uganda’s untamed life and scenes that shouldn’t be visible on the ground. Whenever your safari guide makes reference to mountain sceneries and huge savannah fields, your memory of the airborne perspective will give a superior image of the experience.

Fly-in safari light airplanes range from little 20-40seater planes to 2-4seater prop planes and everything in the middle. We prescribe fly-in safari excursions to solo voyagers and couples or two individuals voyaging together. Assuming that you’re going in a gathering of at least four, driving would be less expensive and more fun than flying. Be that as it may, assuming you have the spending plan for it, take the elevated exchange.

Objections we would suggest a fly-in safari include: Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Kidepo Valley National Park, Murchison falls National Park. We can tailor a fly-in safari between any of these objections to provide you with the greatest experience of Uganda.


Seeing natural life game from the water on a houseboat or boat sendoff safari is a one-of-a-kind encounter giving an alternate point of view on untamed life conduct. Uganda offers mind blowing chances to appreciate watching natural life from a boat.

Albeit exemplary African safaris are for the most part done in a conventional game drive vehicle or by walking, Uganda offers a seriously stunning encounter of survey untamed life on the banks of water bodies found in savannah leaves from a boat. Three of the top-drawer destinations in Uganda have water bodies that draw in enormous quantities of untamed life that come on taste on the nurturing waters. From the boat’s vantage point, vacationers can see live untamed life dramatization on the banks of the water without the battle of beating the bramble.

In contrast to most African safaris, from the water is additionally one of the most outstanding vantages focuses for spotting natural life. It’s additionally a more serene encounter contrasted with the uneven ride in a safari truck. You’ll have a cool wind falling off the water rather than kicked-up dust in your eyes, and you can depend on the installed washroom as opposed to scrambling to track down a discrete spot in the shrubbery.

In light of the throughout the entire year water, numerous types of creatures make the waterfront their home. So, it is one of the main spots in the reality where you can encounter extreme game survey from your boat on the stream, lake, or channel.

During a 2-3-hour boat safari voyage with Sail Adventures Uganda, you can taste on your number one beverage as the covered barge quietly floats across the sparkling waters, with simply a small bunch of different boats noticeable somewhere far off. Being liberated from any large groups makes for a few remarkable creature sightings.

The boat gets so near a still crocodile that you can perceive the singular scales on its gleaming, mottled skin; in the meantime, an unperturbed hippo stands only a couple of feet away, chomping hectically on tall cutting edges of yellowed grass. It’s a stunning scene.


For most Uganda and Rwanda safari explorers, natural life seeing becomes the dominant focal point. In any case, for a refined voyager, these two countries’ social legacy is essentially as great as the wild and regular one. East Africa is the support of humankind that has seen unfamiliar colonialists, brokers, and strict powerhouses come and leave behind large urban communities, strange remnants, new dialects, and engineering.

Uganda societies are shifted and complex, comprising of different tribes with interesting native and unfamiliar impacted attributes. Like a large portion of East Africa, Uganda’s way of life is communicated in its specialties and artworks, fables, religion, clothing, cooking, music, and

dialects. Despite the fact that the way of life is generally assorted, they are likewise, when firmly examined, seen to have numerous likenesses.

For instance, the ethics they maintain, love, and solid regard culture the matured and social rulers like lords and bosses.

Uganda’s entrancing human legacy is all around frequently ignored or packed into an invented evening show at an open-air fire. Meet local people and exchange a midday rest for a bona fide nearby social experience with town life, adding a significant layer to your Uganda safari experience and offering the advantages of social the travel industry to neighborhood networks. This isn’t tied in with going to a fabricated exhibition or accidentally interrupting somebody’s life. Meet local people offers a legitimate and reminiscent taste of Rwanda and Uganda culture inside a safari setting


Imperial safari voyagers chased with a weapon and painted their natural life experiences on canvas. The present safari explorer follows a camera, focal point and perspectives their caught recollections on retina pixel screens. Astonishing how experience has changed from cleaning our natural life to moderating it for more extraordinary recollections. Taking extraordinary pictures is a necessary piece of any natural life safari experience in Africa, and a photograph safari is an ideal outing for untamed life photography. Assuming you’re hoping to make a visual record of the rainforest dramatization, distant fields, and emotional untamed life experiences, East Africa’s scenes, individuals, and natural life make for an extraordinary motivation. A Photo Safari in East Africa conveys you to an ideal natural life scene with affectionate groups of elephants communicating on stream banks. Simultaneously, crowds of giraffes trot through tall grass as they look for the prickly foliage of acacia trees on which to look.

A pride of lions calculating in for the chase, wild hyenas battling for prey, panthers prostrate on tree limbs, crowds of elands, impalas, and gazelles spread out right in front of you, and the eminent gorillas in the dim mountain wildernesses of Uganda and Rwanda. On an East Africa photograph safari, you get a treat of a wide range of natural life.

Photography safari trips request time and persistence, and inside and out information on nearby circumstances and the game, particularly for proficient natural life picture takers. Sharp photographic artists are regularly limited on broad safari agendas, which come up short on opportunity to stake out a waterhole for a really long time or stand by calmly for a lion pride to find a crowd of bison. They frequently need an especially experienced photograph safari manual for keep them educated regarding the logical development and conduct of the natural life they are keen on catching. A passionate untamed life photographic artist needs a photograph safari that adjusts time, perception of the subtleties, and accessibility of emotional natural life potential open doors.

Normally, our expert photography visits in East Africa essentially center around proficient photograph guides’ insight and information. Their capacity to anticipate creature conduct implies first line seats to all the activity. Furthermore, we likewise consider investigating the wild in vehicles and boats that will permit explorers to utilize their camera hardware with insignificant dissatisfaction. Your photograph safari guide will track down you the best spots to situate your case out of the vehicle so you can catch the natural life second at your speed and solace.

We plan Uganda safari trips for natural life photography fans going from novice amateurs to semi-experts. We unite similar individuals in a lovely, focused, and vital climate on these photography visits. We’ll choose photograph agreeable convenience offices for explicit benefits, including battery re-energizing stations and committed media habitats with network associations. Our expert photograph safari agendas are completely customized to suit a traveler’s style and decision from the convenience, span to courses, and paltry decisions. Photograph Safari Trips are appropriate for solo voyagers, couples and gatherings, and are presented in Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and Tanzania. Bring your own camera and focal points or recruit gear for the span of your photograph safari.


Each tour package varies in price rate according to the destinations and scope of the trip.